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This 565nm Category 1 Offshore Race is run under the auspices of RORC, and takes competitors from Hong Kong, China to Subic Bay in the Philippines.



On 7 April 1962, three yachts from RHKYC, one from Manila and one from Japan crossed the line at the start of the first China Sea Race. The yachts were escorted over the first 100 miles of their 600 mile journey by two minesweepers of the Hong Kong Royal Naval Reserve.


The finish was off Corregidor Island, crossing a line formed by vessels of the Philippines Navy, to be met by members of the Manila Yacht Club who had co-operated most generously with the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club in all the arrangements. Due to no radios being on board the yachts, Chris von Sydow's Reverie crossed the finish line after six days' racing to find out that they were in first place.


The China Sea Race was subsequently held as a biennial event. In 1964 it attracted 12 entries and in 1966, 13, including the famous ketch Stormvogel. With each successive race, the event grew bigger. In 1968, it was included for the first time in the newly organised World Ocean Racing Championships and in 1972 it was officially recognised by the Royal Ocean Racing Club.


Since then it has continued to attract interest and, as an undisputed Asian blue-water classic, has served to draw the attention of the international yachting fraternity to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. In 2016, RP66 Alive broke the 16 year-old Race Record by just under 12 minutes, finishing in 47h 31m 08s. In the 2018 edition, Karl Kwok broke the race and multihull record on his MOD Beau Geste with an elapsed time of 38h 30m 07s.




赛事终点設於克里基多岛(Corregidor Island)外,由菲律宾海军舰队组成终点线,马尼拉游艇会的會员更亲临等候迎接。在整个赛事的组织过程中,马尼拉游艇会为香港游艇会提供了各方面的大力支持。由于帆船上没有安装无线电,Chris von Sydow的Reverie号在越过终点线那一刻,才得悉自己在长达六天的赛事中获胜。

中国海帆船赛自此成为两年一度的赛事。1964年的比赛吸引了12艘帆船参赛,1966年的参赛帆船数量更增至13艘,当中包括著名的双桅船 Stormvogel号。赛事规模不断扩大,于1968年,赛事首次成为新举办的世界帆船锦标赛﹙World Ocean Racing Championships﹚的分站赛。1972年,中国海帆船赛正式获得了皇家海洋竞赛会的认可。

从那时起,中国海帆船赛不仅一直吸引著人们的兴趣,同时更被誉为亚洲最高级别的蓝海经典离岸帆船赛,并引起了国际帆船界对香港和东南亚的关注。RP66 Alive号于2016年打破了保持16年的赛事记录,用了47小时31分8秒完成,比记录快12分钟。至於多体船赛事纪录由郭志梁的MOD  Beau Geste号在2018年创下,时间为38小时30分7秒。


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