Rolex China Sea Race 2018 And They're off!勞力士中國海帆船賽 2018正式啟航!
@Daniel Forster
The 2018 edition of the Rolex China Sea Race got underway at 1120hrs today with blue skies and an easterly breeze of 8kts. The start line, located in front of Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club’s Kellett Island Clubhouse, was a bit hectic with most boats favouring the committee boat end of the line, resulting in a few bumps between boats and an individual recall being signalled for Rampage 2, Seawolf and Sitka.
勞力士中國海帆船賽2018在今天早上11時20分正式啟航,藍天碧海,維多利亞港吹起每小時8節東風。比賽起點設於香港遊艇會吉列島會所對出海面,大部份參賽船隻選擇於裁判船那邊起航,場面有點擠擁。數艘賽船在起步時發生輕微碰撞,賽事裁判亦向Ramage 2號、海狼號及 Sitka號發出個別召回信號。
劳力士中国海帆船赛2018在今天早上11时20分正式启航,蓝天碧海,维多利亚港吹起每小时8节东风。比赛起点设于香港游艇会吉列岛会所对出海面,大部份参赛船只选择于裁判船一侧起航,场面有点挤拥。数艘赛船在起步时发生轻微碰撞,赛事裁判亦向Rampage 2号、海狼号及 Sitka号发出个别召回信号。
Hong Kong’s iconic skyline provided the perfect backdrop as the fleet headed east towards Lei Yue Mun Gap. First through the gap (the smallest distance between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon) was Alive, the current race record holder of 47h 31m 08s - followed shortly after by Karl Kwok's MOD 70 Beau Geste. After the gap, MOD Beau Geste quickly extended in front of the fleet and is currently travelling along at around 24kts.
賽事在香港地標的維多利港上出發,船隊一直向東駛往鯉魚門峽。Alive號首先通過鯉魚門峽(香港島與九龍半島相距最短的峽道),她是目前的比賽紀錄保持者,成績為47小時31分08秒,緊隨期後有郭志樑(Karl Kwok)的Mod 70 Beau Geste號,駛經峽道後,Mod Beau Geste號瞬間領前,目前以24節速度航行。
赛事在香港地标维多利港上展开,船队一直向东驶往鲤鱼门峡。Alive号首先通过鲤鱼门峡(香港岛与九龙半岛相距最短的峡道),它是目前的比赛纪录保持者,成绩为47小时31分08秒,紧随期后有郭志梁(Karl Kwok)的Mod 70 Beau Geste号,驶经峡道后,Mod Beau Geste号瞬间领前,目前以24节速度航行。
As the competitors make their 565nm journey across the South China Sea to Subic Bay, the breeze is forecasted to build to overnight maxing out at around 20kts; hopefully resulting in some champagne sailing as the fleet make their way towards the Philippines.
所有參賽者正展開565海哩的航程,橫越南中國海前往菲律賓的蘇碧灣(Subic Bay);預料風勢將在晚上增強至最高每小時20節,期望船隊在駛往蘇碧灣的同時,能夠有一個飛快的旅程。 [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]所有参赛者正展开565海里的航程,横越中国南海前往菲律宾的苏比克湾(Subic Bay);预料风势将在晚上增强至最高每小时20节,期望船队在驶往苏碧湾的同时,能够有一个飞快的旅程。
29 boats are taking part in the 2018 Rolex China Sea Race with 265 competitors hailing from 22 territories including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Mainland China, Denmark, England, French, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK and USA.
勞力士中國海帆船賽2018共有29艘來自22個地區的帆船參加,包括來自澳洲、奧地利、比利時、加拿大、中國內地、丹麥、英國、法國、香港、愛爾蘭、意大利、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、挪威、菲律賓、俄羅斯、 新加坡、瑞典、瑞士、台灣及美國。
劳力士中国海帆船赛2018共有29艘来自22个国家及地区的帆船参加,包括来自澳大地亚、奥地利、比利时、加拿大、中国内地、丹麦、英国、法国、中国香港、爱尔兰、意大利、马来西亚、新西兰、挪威、菲律宾、俄罗斯、 新加坡、瑞典、瑞士、中国台湾及美国。
With all going to plan, the first boat expected to arrive is MOD Beau Geste, with Karl and his crew estimating to finish tomorrow afternoon. Said Skipper Gavin Brady, "At the moment our ETA is mid-afternoon on 29 March. We want to get there before the breeze starts to die; the thing with this race is you can work so hard and then if you get your timing wrong into Subic Bay... well then your work goes down the drain. This is actually not that different to the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race when you have got to get around Tasman Island at the right time. I think approaching the Philippines in the daylight is very important so you can see the wind patterns. For a lot of the crew, it’s been a long time since we've done the race so we don't even really remember the coastline and the size of the hills and the channel coming in. It'll be a big advantage for us to finish in the daylight."
如無意外,首先到達的將會是Mod Beau Geste號,郭志樑(Karl Kwok)及他的隊員預料將於明日下午衝線;船長Gavin Brady表示:「目前,我們預計於3月29日中午時份到達,我們希望能在風勢減弱前抵達。這個賽事的特別之處是,無論您在賽程中怎樣努力不懈,一旦錯失了進入蘇碧灣(Subic Bay)的最佳時機,您早前所付出的努力便會白費。實際上,這個跟勞力士悉尼至霍巴特帆船賽 (Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race)很相似,因為參賽者必須把握最佳時機進入塔斯曼島。我認為能在白天進入菲律賓海域是非常重要的,因為您可清楚看到風向變化。我們已有一段時間沒有參加這個比賽,大部份船員都忘了這裡的海岸線、山丘和峽道的大小,所以在白天完成比賽相對地對我們有利。」
如无意外,首先到达的将会是Mod Beau Geste号,郭志梁(Karl Kwok)及他的队员预料将于明日下午冲线;船长Gavin Brady表示:“目前,我们预计于3月29日中午时分到达,我们希望能在风势减弱前抵达。这个赛事的特别之处是,无论你在赛程中怎样努力不懈,一旦错失了进入苏比克湾(Subic Bay)的最佳时机,你早前所付出的努力便会白费。实际上,这个跟劳力士悉尼至霍巴特帆船赛 (Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race)很相似,因为参赛者必须把握最佳时机进入塔斯曼岛。我认为在白天进入菲律宾海域是非常重要的,因为可清楚看到风向变化。我们已有一段时间没有参加这个比赛,大部份船员都忘了这里的海岸线、山丘和峡道的大小,所以在白天完成比赛相对地对我们有利。” [endif]
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