China Sea Race wraps up under idyllic conditions in Subic Bay 中國海帆船賽在如詩如畫般的蘇碧灣完滿落幕 中国海帆船赛 在如诗如画般的苏碧湾

The Lions certainly brought Mandrake III luck! - Rolex China Sea Race 2018
(image: RHKYC)
The final yachts arrived in Subic Bay this morning, wrapping up the 2018 Rolex China Sea Race. 29 boats took part in the 2018 edition with 265 competitors hailing from 22 territories.
The 18 year old multihull record was broken by Karl Kwok's MOD 70 Beau Geste with top speeds of 37kts and her impressive elapsed time of 38h 30m 07s wiped 9h 31m 40s off the previous race record set in 2000.
It wasn t a traditional Rolex China Sea Race in terms of wind strength and angle; however it still provided competitors the challenge that they seek with offshore racing. There was a difficult weather picture for the latter stage of the race for the faster IRC 0 division yachts and with the breeze filling in behind the other divisions as they made their way towards the Philippines.
The IRC Overall win, from IRC 1 Division, went to Fred Kinmonth and Nick Burns GTS 43 Mandrake III (HKG), followed by YY Yan / YF Liu Ker 42 Custom Seawolf (HKG / China) also from IRC 1.
Tiger Mok commented on Seawolf s 2nd overall, This was the second or third major offshore race for Seawolf and I am delighted to see the improvement and willingness to push harder in the race. The boys did a great job! I hope we can be an example for other boat owners from China, who are new to offshore sailing so that more owners take part in this type of race, as well as to prove that anyone with good training, knowledge and experience can perform well in world class offshore racing
Third overall from the IRC 0 division went to Philippines entry, Ernesto Echauz s TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial. We had a very good race. It was trouble free. Out of all the races we have done it was the most relaxing; no problems at all. It's very meaningful for us as we have been racing together for more than ten years. said Echauz.
Father and son double-handed entry Philippe and Comos Grelon s Tbs-Aya finished last night taking 15th overall and second in the IRC Class 2 behind Glenn Smith s Grand Soleil 45 Blackjack. On arrival they commented We wanted to have fun that s for sure and to finish - which was probably not too difficult as the conditions were absolutely perfect for us. I think we only had maximum breeze of 30kts. Sailing double-handed, I think it takes quite a bit of skill; you need to know what you re doing and have a lot of trust in the other person too. The good news we have been sailing a lot together, we know each other perfectly, we don t argue and that s amazing. We had a very cool and quiet race. On decisions Philippe commented, One says let s do this or that and the other says yes okay. I prefer to sail double handed because we know each very well there s no problem.
In IRC Premier Division, Peter Cremers Warwick 75 Shahtoosh had an awesome run taking the division win and 5th Overall; climbing up the ladder from 13th in 2016 edition. In the IRC Cruising Division, first time Rolex China Sea Race competitor Michael Ashbrook s Jeanneau Sitka took the division win. The on location prize giving will be held tonight with the official prize giving at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club later in April. See you at the next edition of the Rolex China Sea Race, which starts 8 April 2020.
2018勞力士中國海帆船賽最後一艘賽船於今早抵達蘇碧灣。本屆賽事有29艘賽船,來自22 個地區共265名參賽者。
郭志梁(karl kwok) 的MOD 70 Beau Geste憑最高航速每小時37海浬,以38小時30分7秒完成比賽,成功以9小時31分40秒之差打破18年前創下的多體船的紀錄。
今屆賽事的風勢和風向有別於往年,但當中的挑戰性仍是一眾參賽者期望在離岸賽所得到的。 IRC競賽 0組賽船在比賽后期面對較不理想的天氣狀況,然而風勢在後期增強,讓其餘賽船以較快速度駛往菲律賓。
IRC競賽全場總冠軍來自IRC競賽1組 Fred Kinmonth 和 Nick Burns 的GTS 43 Mandrake III 號(香港), 緊隨其後有YY Yan 和YF Liu Ker的 42 Custom 海狼號 (香港 / 中國內地), 她亦同屬IRC競賽1組。
在海狼號的莫俊傑(Tiger Mok) 奪得全場第2名時稱:「這大概是海狼號第2或3次參加大型離岸賽,我很高興看到她的進步,亦期望能於比賽中發揮更大潛能。所有隊員均做得很出色!我希望我們能成為其他中國内地船東的榜樣,希望他們能一同參與更多同類型的離岸帆船賽,同時他們亦可藉此機會加強隊員訓練,航海知識及經驗,以達至可參與世界賽的水平。」
全場第3名是IRC競賽0組來自菲律賓Ernesto Echauz 的TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial號, Ernesto Echauz在賽後表示:「我們作了一場很好的比賽,過程十分順利。總括以前我們曾參加過的賽事,這算是最輕鬆的,沒有什麼問題。另外,這場比賽對我們來說別具意義,因為我們已一起航海多達10 年了。」
父子雙人檔 Philippe 和Comos Grelon的 Tbs-Aya號昨晚抵達,以全場第15名及IRC競賽2組第2名總結賽事,緊隨Glenn Smith的 Grand Soleil 45 Blackjack號之後。衝線後,他們稱:「我們只想樂其中,以及能完成賽事。我意思是,想要完成比賽並不困難,因為天氣有利於我們。我想我們最高風速只有每小時30 海浬,而二人同時控制賽船,卻需要多一點技術,同時你需明瞭對方所做的一切,及需信任對方。好處是,我們已有多次一同航海的經驗,亦十分了解對方,我們亦不會對駡,這是十分好的。如大家所料,我們渡過了一個很寧靜的航程。」Philippe稱:「你說這樣,我就答好丫!我說那樣,你也答OK無問題。我比較喜歡二人一同作賽,因為我們都很了解對方,沒有任何問題。」
IRC高級休閒船組冠軍由Peter Cremer的 Warwick 75 Shahtoosh號奪得,全場總名次亦由2016 年的第13 位跳升至今年得第5位。IRC休閒船組冠軍由首次參加勞力士中國海帆船賽Michael Ashbrook 的Jeanneau Sitka號奪得。
下屆勞力士中國海帆船賽將於2020 年4月8日舉行。期望到時能再次見到大家。
2018劳力士中国海帆船赛最后一艘赛船于今早抵达苏碧湾。本届赛事有29艘赛船,来自22 个地区共265名参赛者。
郭志梁(karl kwok) 的MOD 70 Beau Geste凭最高航速每小时37海浬,以38小时30分7秒完成比赛,成功以9小时31分40秒之差打破18年前创下的多体船的纪录。
今届赛事的风势和风向有别于往年,但当中的挑战性仍是一众参赛者期望在离岸赛所得到的。 IRC竞赛 0组赛船在比赛后期面对较不理想的天气状况,然而风势在后期增强,让其余赛船以较快速度驶往菲律宾。
IRC竞赛全场总冠军来自IRC竞赛1组Fred Kinmonth 和Nick Burns 的GTS 43 Mandrake III 号(香港), 紧随其后有YY Yan 和YF Liu Ker的42 Custom 海狼号(香港/ 中国内地),她亦同属IRC竞赛1组。
在海狼号的莫俊杰(Tiger Mok) 夺得全场第2名时称:「这大概是海狼号第2或3次参加大型离岸赛,我很高兴看到她的进步,亦期望能于比赛中发挥更大潜能。所有队员均做得很出色!我希望我们能成为其他中国内地船东的榜样,希望他们能一同参与更多同类型的离岸帆船赛,同时他们亦可借此机会加强队员训练,航海知识及经验,以达至可参与世界赛的水平。」
全场第3名是IRC竞赛0组来自菲律宾Ernesto Echauz 的TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial号, Ernesto Echauz在赛后表示:「我们作了一场很好的比赛,过程十分顺利。总括以前我们曾参加过的赛事,这算是最轻松的,没有什么问题。另外,这场比赛对我们来说别具意义,因为我们已一起航海多达10 年了。」
父子双人档 Philippe 和Comos Grelon的 Tbs-Aya号昨晚抵达,以全场第15名及IRC竞赛2组第2名总结赛事,紧随Glenn Smith的 Grand Soleil 45 Blackjack号之后。冲线后,他们称:「我们只想乐其中,以及能完成赛事。我意思是,想要完成比赛并不困难,因为天气有利于我们。我想我们最高风速只有每小时30 海浬,而二人同时控制赛船,却需要多一点技术,同时你需明了对方所做的一切,及需信任对方。好处是,我们已有多次一同航海的经验,亦十分了解对方,我们亦不会对骂,这是十分好的。如大家所料,我们渡过了一个很宁静的航程。」Philippe称:「你说这样,我就答好丫!我说那样,你也答OK无问题。我比较喜欢二人一同作赛,因为我们都很了解对方,没有任何问题。」
IRC高级休闲船组冠军由Peter Cremer的 Warwick 75 Shahtoosh号夺得,全场总名次亦由2016 年的第13 位跳升至今年得第5位。 IRC休闲船组冠军由首次参加劳力士中国海帆船赛Michael Ashbrook 的Jeanneau Sitka号夺得。
下届劳力士中国海帆船赛将于2020 年4月8日举行。期望到时能再次见到大家。