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The first of the IRC 0 Fleet arrive in Subic Bay IRC 競賽0組冠軍抵達蘇碧灣 IRC 竞赛0组冠军抵达苏碧湾

Alive Celebrates at the Finish - Rolex China Sea Race 2018 (image: RHKYC / Guy Nowell)

Alive arrived this afternoon at 15h 08m 24s. In the early hours of the morning, it looked like they had a chance of breaking their record but once again, the Luzon hole took its toll slowing their boat speed down to 2.8kts for a time, giving them an elapsed time of 51h 48m 24s.

勞力士中國海帆船賽單體船紀錄保持者(47小時31分8秒)Phillip Turner的Reichel/Pugh 66型Alive號於今日下午3時8分24秒抵達。在數小時前,他們有望打破自己在2016年時的紀錄,可惜賽船在最後關頭進入了呂宋無風海域,航速瞬間減慢至每小時2.8海哩,最後他們以51小時48分24秒完成比賽。

劳力士中国海帆船赛单体船纪录保持者(47小时31分8秒)Phillip Turner的Reichel/Pugh 66型Alive号于今日下午3时8分24秒抵达。在数小时前,他们有望打破自己在2016年时的纪录,可惜赛船在最后关头进入了吕宋无风海域,航速瞬间减慢至每小时2.8海哩,最后他们以51小时48分24秒完成比赛。

Skipper Duncan Hine summed up on the racing, “The start was great; it was quite exciting and we were first through Lei Yu Mun Gap in Hong Kong. After that, it was a bit of 'soldier's course' which still requires a lot of concentration. We went through all of our transitions - the crew work was stunning. Coming into Subic Bay harbour, when the breeze started to fill in for us was great. We came into the finish with the kite up and a lot of gybes. I'm listening to the tactician and navigator cross referencing what’s going to happen and that’s always entertaining. This was probably one of my favourite races for the entire length!”

船長Duncan Hine於賽後稱:「開賽時感覺十分良好,我們很高興以首名衝出鯉魚門峽,之後我們需要大量的專注力,進行一輪如軍人般的航程。我們經歷了各式各樣的海面變化,隊員的表現實在令人讚嘆不已!在進入蘇碧灣港時,風勢增強,有利航行。在衝線時,我們揚起順風帆及多次順風換舷,我待在旁一邊聽著戰術員和導航員會報將會發生什麼,感到樂此不疲。這亦可能是我最喜歡的比賽之一。」

船长Duncan Hine于赛后称:「开赛时感觉十分良好,我们很高兴以首名冲出鲤鱼门峡,之后我们需要大量的专注力,进行一轮如军人般的航程。我们经历了各式各样的海面变化,队员的表现实在令人赞叹不已!在进入苏碧湾港时,风势增强,有利航行。在冲线时,我们扬起顺风帆及多次顺风换舷,我待在旁一边听着战术员和导航员会报将会发生什么,感到乐此不疲。这亦可能是我最喜欢的比赛之一。」 As the rest of the fleet converge on Subic Bay, there have been major changes on the leader board since last night with YY Yan and YF Liu Ker 42 Custom Seawolf (HKG / China) moving up the ladder to first position in IRC Overall. With a small gap on elapsed time separating the top five positions, who can keep their boat moving through the light air will be the key to coming out on top.

其餘船隊將會逐漸靠近蘇碧灣,昨晚各賽船的排名亦起了重大的變化,YY Yan 和 YF Liu的Ker 42 Custom型海狼號(香港/中國)在IRC競賽總排名躍升至第一位。五艘賽船的位置相當接近,誰能在微風下較快到達終點,誰就是冠軍。

其余船队将会逐渐靠近苏碧湾,昨晚各赛船的排名亦起了重大的变化,YY Yan 和YF Liu的Ker 42 Custom型海狼号(香港/中国)在IRC竞赛总排名跃升至第一位。五艘赛船的位置相当接近,谁能在微风下较快到达终点,谁就是冠军。 Following in second position is the 2014 and 2016 IRC Premier winner Antony Day’s XC50 Explorer followed by Philippines entry Ernesto Echauz TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial (IRC 0) and Peter Cremers Warwick 75 Shahtoosh (IRC Premier).

2014及2016 IRC高級休閒船冠軍得主Antony Day的XC50 Explorer 號暫居第二名,隨後有來自菲律賓隊伍Ernesto Echauz 的TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial 號 (IRC 0組)及 Peter Cremers的Warwick 75 Shahtoosh 號 (IRC 高級休閒船)。

2014及2016 IRC高级休闲船冠军得主Antony Day的XC50 Explorer 号暂居第二名,随后有来自菲律宾队伍Ernesto Echauz 的TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial 号(IRC 0组)及Peter Cremers的Warwick 75 Shahtoosh 号(IRC 高级休闲船)。 Glenn Smith’s Grand Soleil Blackjack continues to lead the IRC 2 fleet. Rolex China Sea Race Chairman Simon Powell’s A40RC Sell Side Dream had to retire last night due to a damaged rudder. All crew are safe and they are making their way back to Hong Kong with an ETA of Sunday evening. A big thank you to Emmanuel Pitsilis and crew from Sense 50 Sea Monkey for standing by Sell Side Dream.

IRC 競賽2組中排首位的賽船為Glenn Smith 的Grand Soleil Blackjack號。勞力士中國海帆船賽主席Simon Powell的賽船40RC Sell Side Dream號,昨晚因方向舵發生故障而被迫退出比賽。船上各人安全並正回航至香港,預計星期日晚上到達。感謝Emmanuel Pitsilis及Sense 50 Sea Monkey隊員的協助。

IRC 竞赛2组中排首位的赛船为Glenn Smith 的Grand Soleil Blackjack号。劳力士中国海帆船赛主席Simon Powell的赛船40RC Sell Side Dream号,昨晚因方向舵发生故障而被迫退出比赛。船上各人安全并正回航至香港,预计星期日晚上到达。感谢Emmanuel Pitsilis及Sense 50 Sea Monkey队员的协助。

The next boat expected to arrive is Raphael Blot’s Banuls 60 Catamaran Mach 2 followed by the rest of the IRC 0 fleet throughout the night.

預料下一艘到達的賽船為Raphael Blot的 Banuls 60 雙體船Mach 2號,其餘的IRC競賽 0組賽船亦將於今晚到達。

预料下一艘到达的赛船为Raphael Blot的 Banuls 60 双体船Mach 2号,其余的IRC竞赛 0组赛船亦将于今晚到达。

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